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Early Childhood Developmental Health Systems (ECDHS): Evidence to Impact FAQs

What are the eligibility criteria for the ECDHS: Evidence to Impact award?

The eligibility criteria for this award are any domestic public or private entity, including an Indian tribe or tribal organization. Domestic faith-based and community-based organizations are also eligible to apply.

Please note that eligible applicants may collaborate to jointly develop, implement, and evaluate the proposed program. HRSA supports such an approach when it appropriately increases efficiency and the scale of proposed activities. In these cases, one eligible applicant must submit an application that proposes to provide subawards to the supporting eligible applicant(s).

What is expected coordination between the ECDHS base award activities and the Additional Transforming Pediatrics for Early Childhood (TPEC) TA Activity?

HRSA views the integration of ECD promotion, prevention, and intervention services in pediatric settings as a key strategy for ECD systems development, which should be advanced within the ECDHS base award and Additional TPEC TA Activity in a coordinated manner. As the applicant, you will propose the method of coordination.

As described in the NOFO, all TPEC TA activities should integrate strategies and lessons learned from the base ECDHS activities, with a focus on improving health equity for uninsured and Medicaid and CHIP-eligible families. Please note that TPEC TA activities should also be offered to interested early childhood and health system leaders and Implementation Site Teams, as associated with the base ECDHS activities.

Should information related to the Additional TPEC TA Activity be separated completely or integrated throughout the application?

Please keep specific details of the ECDHS base award and Additional TPEC TA Activity separate, and be sure to respond in full to each. Please note that there is overlap in the expertise and strategies required, so discussion of the base award may include conceptual discussion of TPEC-relevant information. Within the response to the Additional TPEC TA Activity, you will address activities for coordination that are relevant to both pieces. The attachments to the application should encompass both the base award and TPEC; however, any TPEC-specific expertise or partners should be described in Attachment 6.

Should the focus of the Evidence to Impact Center be on the prenatal-to-age-3 (P-3) or prenatal-to-age-5 (P-5) range?

While the TPEC program itself and related TA activities are expected to reach the P-5 population, it is anticipated that many ECDHS activities may focus significantly on the P-3 population, based upon the referenced background statement and related evidence. The Evidence to Impact Center’s activities are anticipated to include the P-5 population when TPEC-specific, and as deemed necessary to advance ECD systems development.

If fewer than 20 pages are used for Attachment 6, can those pages be used towards the ECDHS base award page limit?

No, unused pages for one piece will not be able to be used for the other piece of the application.

Should the workplan be presented in two separate formats containing the same information?

We do not encourage duplicating information in the application. The narrative should provide an overview of the work planning approach and timelines, with specific details of each activity included in Attachment 1.

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