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HRSA-20-046 Frequently Asked Questions


Regarding eligibility for this funding, the program seems to be maternal/child health focused. Are you accepting any applications with other focus (e.g. cancer)?

The purpose of the Regional Genetics Network program is to develop and support a regional infrastructure for the genetics health care delivery system. Each region is tasked to identify individuals with or at risk for genetic conditions and link them to genetic services. Program priorities include providing education-related activities for providers, families, individuals, and other stakeholders and facilitating the use of telehealth and telemedicine in the genetics health care delivery system. More detail is provided on pages 1-4 of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Any organization that meets the eligibility requirements described on page 5 is eligible to submit an application.

Can you please provide more clarity on ‘any other entity with appropriate expertise in newborn screening, as determined by the Secretary?’

The eligibility criteria reflects the legislative authority for this program. See Organizational Information, page 12 for more information on describing the background and capability of your organization.

Do you have a sense if new applications would be competitive or is the agency interested in funding the competing continuations under this mechanism?

Both New and Competing Continuation applications will be accepted for these funding opportunities. Any organization that meets the eligibility requirements on page 5 of NOFO is eligible to submit an application.

Can you clarify the definition of "genetic services" on page 1 of the NOFO, what the definition is and if it is the same from the current grant cycle?

Genetic services, broadly defined, is a consultation between a patient and a health care provider trained in medical genetics such as a medical geneticist, genetic counselor, or nurse geneticist. The consultation can be for the purposes of screening, testing, diagnosis, treatment, support, or obtaining information about a potential genetic condition.

What is the definition of a facilitated connection?

A facilitated connection to genetic services is defined as an activity that assists an individual or family in getting to genetic services. As noted on page 9 of the NOFO, mechanisms may include, but are not limited to:

  • Partnerships and/or contracts as appropriate with academic institutions, health systems, or public health professionals/entities to coordinate access to genetic services;
  • Using telehealth or innovative outreach methods to reach patients and providers.

The applicant should propose activities that will facilitate linking patients to genetic services.

We would like some clarity on Objective 2. As is, it reads that the regions need to serve an increasing number of all individuals who are medically underserved and have, or at risk, for genetic conditions. There is no good measure, at the population level, of the number of medically underserved who also have, or at risk, for genetic conditions.

Of the population served by the RGN, at least 33% must be medically underserved. As noted on page 2 of NOFO, competing continuation applicants should use data from the last year for which they have data prior to submitting the application as the baseline in their proposal. New applicants will collect data in the first year to establish a baseline.

If we have eight or more advisory members can we submit one letter of support with eight signatures instead of submitting one letter per member since we are limited to 50 pages that we can upload for the application?

Yes, an applicant may submit one letter with multiple signatures with the application. The letter should clearly state the role, nature of the agreement, and commitment. After award, HRSA may request that all letters, MOUs, contracts, or other relevant documents be submitted in their entirety.

The NOFO instructions clearly state that applicants for the RGN cannot apply for funding for the two other related funding opportunities – Advances in Integrating Genetics into Clinical Care (AIGCC) and National Genetics Education and Family Support Program (NGEFSP). I understand that this means that an applicant to serve as RGN cannot apply to be the lead on the AIGCC and NGEFSP but does this also mean that the applicant cannot serve as a subcontractor for AIGCC or NGEFSP program even if they are not the lead organization? An organization or entity may not be the lead recipient for more than one of the following programs: RGNs, NGEFSP, and AIGCC. An organization may a subrecipient on one or more of the other programs.

An organization or entity may not be the lead recipient for more than one of the following programs: RGNs, NGEFSP, and AIGCC. An organization may a subrecipient on one or more of the other programs.

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