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Mission, Vision, and Work

We Are the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)

Access Now: the printable version of our Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives (PDF - 590 KB) and our publication in the Maternal and Child Health Journal, Building the MCH Public Health Workforce of the Future: A Call to Action from the MCHB Strategic Plan (February 16, 2022)

Supporting Maternal and Child Health Populations

We do this through:

How We Work With Our Awardees

Our project officers provide oversight, expertise, and guidance.

Annually, we honor individuals for their outstanding contributions to maternal and child health with awards.

Contact Us

Key Staff

Fast Facts


5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857


310 employees as of December 2023


$1.68 billion in FY23


Maternal & Child Health Timeline

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