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HRSA-20-050 Frequently Asked Questions


Quality improvement (QI) was a centerpiece of the prior 3 years of national work by the national coordinating center within this system as one of the key program requirements (HRSA-17-084, p 2). There is no similar emphasis in this NOFO. Does that mean QI should no longer be offered at the current level? Should QI be offered within the context of evaluation? Could TA for QI continue to be offered?

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) does not require that recipients incorporate quality improvement into their programs. Applicants should propose methodologies that respond to the objectives listed in the NOFO.

Per the NOFO, AIGCC will cover the costs to host a national annual meeting of the Regional Genetic Networks (RGNs) and National Genetics Education and Family Support Program (NGEFSP); however, the RGNs should cover their own travel costs to attend the meeting, correct? (RGN application appears to indicate that they should, simply seeking confirmation.) AIGCC would cover meeting space, A/Vcosts, meals during meeting time (breakfast and lunch), correct?

The recipient of the AIGCC award is required to host an annual meeting which should be reflected in the budget. The RGNs and NGEFSP will be responsible for budgeting for travel to attend the meeting.

For competing continuation applicants, Attachment 7, Progress Report, how much detail and length is sought given the overall page limit?

The progress report should briefly describe the project objectives and accomplishments.Please see page 13 of the NOFO for more detailed instructions.

Given that the federal government is currently functioning under a continuing resolution, is there any consideration to the impact of a potential federal government shutdown on the application submission timeline?

Applications are due on January 14, 2020. In the event of a lapse in appropriations,HRSA will provide additional guidance.

Regarding the name change for the coordinating center to AIGCC, is there any consideration possible for allowing AIGCC-NCC or another extension/prefix to tie in the coordinating components of this national enterprise?

HRSA changed the name to Advances in Integrating Genetics into Clinical Care to emphasize the focus of the program as a national resource on genetics and genomics in clinical practice. Applicants may create their own descriptive title for the project.

Is the recipient of the AIGCC required to collaborate with RGN recipients from the current funding cycle? How would the recipient network and coordinate with RGNs once the grant period starts?

The recipient of the AIGCC will be expected to support and collaborate with RGN recipients that will be awarded in the upcoming funding cycle. All three programs (AIGCC, RGN, and NGEFSP) will start on June 1, 2020. Applicants should propose how they will support and work with the RGNs and NGEFSP in their applications. Please see page 8 of the NOFO for more information.

Could you clarify, does this funding opportunity only pertain to research on genetic conditions of infants, and communication of such conditions with their families?

HRSA-20-050 is not a research grant, and is not intended to target a specific condition or population. This program is intended to be a national resource on for the genetic health care delivery.

Do you have a sense if new applications would be competitive or is the agency interested in funding the competing continuations under this mechanism?

Both New and Competing Continuation applications will be accepted for these funding opportunities. Any organization that meets the eligibility requirements on page 5 of the NOFO is eligible to submit an application.

For biographical sketches of key personnel required for Attachment 3, can you provide examples?

HRSA does not have samples or templates for grant applications or attachments.

The NOFO instructions clearly state that applicants for the AIGCC cannot apply for funding for the two other related funding opportunities – RGNs and NGEFSP. I understand that this means that an applicant to serve as AIGCC cannot apply to be the lead on the RGNs and NGEFSP but does this also mean that the applicant cannot serve as a subcontractor for RGN or NGEFSP program even if they are not the lead organization?

An organization or entity may not be the lead recipient for more than one of the following programs: RGNs, NGEFSP, and AIGCC. An organization may a subrecipient on one or more of the other programs.

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