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  2. FAQ: National Fetal, Infant, and Child Death Review Center

FAQ: National Fetal, Infant, and Child Death Review Center

Funding Opportunity Number:  HRSA-22-084

Data Tracking

For the target on Page 1: “By 2027, at least 90 percent of CDR teams and 50 percent of FIMR teams receiving technical assistance are entering data into the Case Reporting System.”

Can you expand more on how to track this measure?

It will be up to the applicant to propose in their application how they will measure and track the targets.

Dissemination of Data

For the target on Page 2: “By 2027, the Center publicly disseminates at least 20 topic- specific data summaries; 20 data visualization tools or dashboards and at least 16 peer-reviewed journal articles or other publications.”

What does publicly disseminate mean? Does that apply to all data summaries?

Publicly disseminates refers to making products available to the public, such as on a website. This target provides the minimal amount of products to disseminate publicly.

Other than dashboards and infographics, are there other visualizations HRSA envisions?

It will be up to the applicant to propose products in their application.

Do the 20 data visualizations and publications have to include the Center as authors or can any visualizations or publications that use Case Reporting System data be “counted”?

Dissemination of data products that present national data from the Case Reporting System would count, whether the National Center staff are listed as a co-author or not.

Funding and Collaboration

On Page 13: “Collaborate with states to increase the proportion of SUID deaths reviewed with a focus on states not funded by the CDC’s SUID case registry.”

Can we provide direct funding (even if relatively minor) to states to encourage participation?

The NOFO does not prohibit providing funding to states to encourage participation.

Annual Summary

On Page 13: "Develop an annual summary comparing the types and proportions of CDR death in the CRS to vital statistics and other administrative data."

Will HRSA work with the successful applicant to create summaries that meet this objective while honoring DUAs with local teams?

The applicant should propose in their application their proposed methods for developing this annual summary. HRSA can also confer with the successful recipient after the award.

Community Action Team

On Page 14: “Implement a pilot with CDR teams to incorporate a Community Action Team.”

Does this mean a standalone Community Action team (CAT) or can an existing coalition be used as a CAT team?

It is up to the applicant to propose the makeup and process to implement the Community Action team pilot.

Letters of Support

May we include a list of letters of support (rather than attaching all letters) to save space?

Applicants are encouraged to include key letters of support (LOS) so reviewers can assess support but can also include a list of other LOS.

SF-424A Budget Form

Where do we upload the SF-424A budget form for the Expansion Activity?

Please add the budget amounts for the Expansion Activity on to the SF-424A budget form that includes the core activities. Please make sure to provide separate budget justifications for the core and the Expansion Activity. Make sure both budgets are clear and when combined, match with the SF-424A funding amounts. See the next question and answer too.

Where do we attach the budget narrative for the Expansion Activity? Is it included in the 10-page limit for that activity?

The budget narrative should be included in Attachment 12. The budget narrative does count in the 10-page limit.

Contractors Performing FTE

Can contractors perform the required 2.0 FTE for database management/analysis and the 0.75 FTE communication roles?

As noted in the NOFO on page 19, the applicant should document in their budget narrative the required FTE dedicated to this work. There is nothing in the NOFO that prohibits contracts, but applicants must be able to document the required FTE is included and it tied directly to the work of those roles. On page 17 of the NOFO, please note that the applicant should “ensure that you will perform a substantive role in carrying out the proposed project; subcontracts awarded under this initiative to another party should be clear and well justified.” Note on page 16, the applicant should “describe how you will maintain communication among any subcontractors and how they will ensure consistent and timely, high-quality work regardless of which organization is leading the specific task.”


Will travel for Steering Committee members to an in-person meeting be required annually? Does this include a requirement that every Steering Committee member attend this meeting? What if travel is not advised due to COVID?

The requirement for the Steering Committee is for at least one in-person meeting. See page 19 of the NOFO where it states: “The budget should also include expectations for travel for Steering Committee members to at least one in-person meeting in the Washington, DC area." It is up to the applicant to propose how and when to meet this requirement during the grant cycle. Once awarded, the recipient and HRSA can confer on whether travel is not advised due to COVID.

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