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MIECHV Data & Continuous Quality Improvement

Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program awardees must:

  • Collect and report on program performance data
  • Measure how program services help families and communities
  • Use data to improve performance
  • Submit quarterly and annual performance reports
  • Create and carry out plans for continuous quality improvement
  • Show improvement in performance in at least four of six benchmark areas

HRSA also supports national, state, and local research and evaluation through MIECHV. Visit the MIECHV Evaluation & Research page for more information.

Annual performance reporting

HRSA requires MIECHV Program awardees to collect and report data on their program’s performance.

Areas covered include:

  • Demographics of program participants
  • How participants engage in home visiting
  • The types of services participants receive

The MIECHV performance measurement system includes 19 measures across the six benchmark areas:

  • Improvements in maternal, newborn, and child health
  • Prevention of child injuries; child abuse, neglect, or maltreatment; and reductions of emergency room visits
  • Improvements in school readiness and child academic achievement
  • Reductions in crime or domestic violence
  • Improvements in family economic self-sufficiency
  • Improvements in coordination and referrals for other community resources and supports

Summary of MIECHV Program Performance Measures (PDF - 137 KB)

Resource documents (updates effective starting fiscal year [FY] 2024)

Starting October 1, 2023 (FY24 reporting period), awardees must report the number of virtual home visits by home visiting model in Form 1, Table 15.

You can find additional Technical Assistance (TA) resources around annual performance reporting requirements in the MIECHV Awardee Learning Library. Contact your MIECHV Technical Assistance Resource Center’s (TARC) TA Specialist for more information.

Training videos

MIECHV Quarterly and Annual Reports – Help Video


Strategies for Improving Data Quality and Addressing Missing Data (February 14, 2019) Transcript (PDF - 128 KB)

Quarterly performance reporting

MIECHV awardees must submit quarterly performance reports, which help HRSA oversee the grants. The forms cover measures on service utilization and staff recruitment and retention. These forms change often.

MIECHV American Rescue Plan Act reporting

MIECHV awardees who received American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) funding (X11 awards) must submit quarterly and annual reports to help HRSA monitor grants and provide oversight.

Quarterly progress reports are unique to the ARP grant. These reports describe the scope of activities across the seven categories in which awardees may spend funds. You can use the Home Visiting Information System (HVIS) to report quarterly performance data on service use, staff recruitment, and staff retention by using Form 4.

You must combine data across active Formula grants (X10) and ARP grants (X11) into one Annual Performance Report submission. You must also include families served using ARP funds in your Annual Performance Report (Forms 1 and 2). The report is due in October of each year.

The following documents provide specific reporting requirements, including deadlines and instructions for submitting reports:

Health Equity Assessment Leveraging Performance Measurement (HEAL-PM)

HRSA's Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the Administration for Children and Families started the HEAL-PM project to improve health equity.

The project looks at how the MIECHV Program performance measurement system can:

  • Change to include a health equity framework
  • Monitor how awardees document measure changes in health disparities
  • Examine how awardees can document progress toward health equity over time

NORC at the University of Chicago, a not-for-profit research organization, was our contractor on this project.

The project aims to answer three questions:

  1. Using a health equity measurement framework, how do the social and structural determinants of health inform MIECHV Program performance data?
  2. How can the performance measures better show HRSA's commitment to increasing health equity in the current benchmark areas?
  3. How can collecting data and providing Technical Assistance (TA) help with gathering and assessing MIECHV Program data through a health equity framework?

Resource documents

Demonstration of improvement

MIECHV awardees must show that their programs improved outcomes in at least four of six benchmark areas for eligible families. The information is due every three years.

The following resources are available for the FY 2023 Demonstration of Improvement:

Continuous quality improvement

Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network 3.0 (HV CoIIN 3.0)

The HV CoIIN helps MIECHV awardees and local implementing agencies (LIAs) scale up tested improvement strategies. The award is in its third phase. HRSA awarded $1.3 million to the Education Development Center on September 1, 2022.

During the five-year funding period, HV CoIIN 3.0 will continue to build MIECHV awardee staff skills in continuous quality improvement and dissemination. It will also help scale up strategies that improve performance and outcomes. Find out more information at the HV CoIIN 3.0’s website.

Home Visiting Budget Assistance Tool (HV-BAT)

The HV-BAT is an Excel-based tool for MIECHV awardees and local implementing agencies (LIAs) to collect and report comprehensive home visiting program costs incurred by LIAs during a 12-month period. It is helps support awardee fiscal planning and management.

Resource documents

MIECHV awardees can receive HV-BAT TA resources by contacting their MIECHV TARC TA Specialist team.


HV-BAT Tool (XLSX - 155 KB)*

Data exchange standards

The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-123) provided authority for HRSA to establish data exchange standards for MIECHV. These standards support federal reporting and electronic data exchange between the MIECHV state agency and other state agencies.

By sharing data, MIECHV awardees can help answer key policy, program, and research questions about the home visiting field that are hard to answer with the current data infrastructure. The following resources can help MIECHV awardees set up data exchange standards in their state or territory.

*Note: This file may not be fully accessible to people using assistive technology. For assistance, please email Elizabeth Firsten or call 267-591-2143.

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