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Quarterly Performance Reports Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

(Updated June 2019)

General Questions:

When is my Quarterly Performance Report due?

Effective beginning with FY 2019 Quarter 3, the submission due date associated with Form 4 Quarterly Performance Reports is 30 days from the last day of the reporting period. Because this is a shorter submission period than what was previously allowable, HRSA has instituting a temporary 45-day submission period to help transition awardees to the shorter submission timeframe. HRSA will seek feedback to assess the effectiveness of this 45-day submission period and the feasibility of shortening the submission period to 30 days, and will provide written notice prior to making any additional changes. Project Officers have 30 days after the end of the awardee report submission period to request changes and approve the report. Please note that the previous quarter’s report must be approved before the next quarter’s report can be started. The annual schedule of reporting is provided below.

Table Form 4 Timeframes – Temporary 45-day Submission Period

Quarter Data Collection Period Report Submission Period PO Approval
1 October 1-December 31 January 1-February 15 No later than March 17
2 January 1-March 31 April 1- May 16 No later than June 15
3 April 1-June 30 July 1- August 15 No later than September 14
4 July 1-September 30 October 1- November 15 No later than December 15

Table B: Form 4 Timeframes – Official 30-day Submission Period

Quarter Data Collection Period Report Submission Period PO Approval
1 October 1-December 31 January 1-31 No later than March 2
2 January 1-March 31 April 1- 30 No later than May 31
3 April 1-June 30 July 1- 31 No later than August 31
4 July 1-September 30 October 1- 31 No later than December 1

Will awardees be reporting on combined data from all active grants into one report?

Each awardee will only submit one report. Awardees should pool data across all active grants and report at the state level.

Will the reporting period be the reporting year to date, quarter to date, or point in time at the end of the quarter for each reporting table?

Note that some data is defined as a point in time at the end of the quarter and some is defined as a cumulative representation of services provided throughout the quarter. Please see the Definitions of Key Terms section of the reporting form for more information.

Table A.1: Program Capacity

Section A.1, Columns A and B asks for the total number of new households and continuing households. Since this is over a three month time frame, a family can potentially enroll, disengage, and a new family may enroll. How would these households be reported on Table A.1?

The definition for the purposes of Table A.1 is that new enrollees must continue to be enrolled at the end of the reporting period. In this scenario, a household that enrolls during the reporting period then disengages before the end of the reporting period would not be included in this table. This is the same also for continuing enrollees.The Current Caseload (ColumnC) auto-calculated in the system is a cross sectional snapshot of households enrolled at the end of each reporting period and not a cumulative total of all households enrolled during the reporting period. (Note: The cumulative total of all households served during the reporting period should be reported in Table A.3: Family Engagement.)

What does it mean for a household to be “enrolled” during the reporting period for Form 4? Does a family need to have received a home visit during the reporting period in order to be included?

Awardees should follow model-specific criteria to determine whether a household meets the definition of enrolled for the purposes of reporting on Form 4. Table A.1 (as well as Column A of Table A.3) reflect point-in-time data based on the end of the quarterly reporting period. As such, the same guidance used to define participant enrollment in Form 1, which includes all participants served during the annual reporting period, does not necessarily apply.

Table A.2: Place-Based Services

What LIA address should be submitted if it has multiple offices or locations?

Awardees should submit only one address per LIA. In instances where the LIA has multiple locations or addresses, awardees should submit the address that most accurately reflects where services are delivered. Note that after the first quarter of entry, data for this table will pre-populate in HVIS, so only updates to the data would need to be entered in subsequent reports.

Should the list of counties and zip codes served by the LIA be updated quarterly for each site based on the actual clients served during that reporting period, or is this a static list of counties and zip codes that were part of the originally stated reach of the LIA?

Awardees should update the counties and zip codes each quarter based on families served by the LIA. Note that after the first quarter of entry into the form, data for this table will pre-populate, so only updates to the data would need to be entered in subsequent reports.

Where do I enter in the total number of households served for Table A.2?

Number of households served is no longer reported on this table.

Table A.4: Staff Recruitment and Retention:

Is Table A.4 reporting point-in-time numbers for a specific quarter and not a cumulative statistic?

This table is intended to record the total number of new and continuing FTE home visitors, supervisors, and other staff supported through MIECHV funds. This table is intended to be a crosssectional report of the FTEs employed at the end of each reporting period, and is not cumulative. Awardees should only report the proportion of the FTE that is supported by MIECHV grant funds. For example, a 1.0 FTE staff member who is supported at 30% through MIECHV funds and 70% through other funds would be reported as 0.3 FTE for the purposes of this table.

The available categories for reporting are: Home Visitor, Supervisor, and Other. LIA staff have a variety of job titles, depending on the agency and model. Is there a federal definition that would help classify FTEs?

Definitions for the staffing categories are available in the key terms section of Form 4. Awardees should classify staff in the category that most closely aligns with the staff responsibilities. If the staff has multiple responsibilities (i.e. home visitor and supervisor) the proportion of time spent in each role and funded by MIECHV should be reported accordingly. For example, for a staff that spends 25% of their time providing home visits and 75% of their time supervising other staff and is supported 100% by MIECHV funds, they should be reported as 0.25 FTE home visitor and 0.75 FTE supervisor.

How should staff on temporary leave be reported? For example, if a home visitor goes on maternity leave during a quarter, and is not working as of the last day of the quarter, would the position be “vacant”?

Staff on temporary leave should be reported according to the FTE of their position that is currently being supported by MIECHV funds at the end of the reporting period. If staff on leave do not receive any funding from MIECHV while on leave, they should not be reported in Table A.4.

Section B: Grantee Performance Measures:

When do I need to submit data for Section B?

Section B is only applicable to awardees that are currently on a corrective action plan related to a formal assessment of approval. Additional guidance will be provided to applicable awardees on an asneeded basis.

Date Last Reviewed: