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  2. Using the Maternal and Infant Health Mapping Tool

Using the Maternal and Infant Health Mapping Tool

You can use the Maternal and Infant Health Mapping Tool to find county-level information on maternal and infant health. You can create and customize maps for your needs. This webpage contains both written instructions and video tutorials.

Step-by-step instructions

Video tutorials

How this tool can help you

We designed the Maternal and Infant Mapping Tool to help federal, state, and local decision-makers and others visualize factors that affect maternal and infant health. Use the information to understand needs, plan programs, and target resources.

This tool allows you to map maternal and infant health indicators and overlay demographic characteristics (like population density and number of births) and health resources (such as health centers and National Health Service Corps sites offering women’s health services), with information available down to the county level. The mapping tool allows users to upload their own data, creating customizable maps for program planning.

  • Launch the tool to explore the data and map features.
  • Refer to the User Guide for a full explanation of the mapping tool and some step-by-step instructions.

Recommended citation for maps

Map citation: Health Resources and Services Administration. Maternal and Infant Health Mapping Tool: Accessed on [date].

Downloaded data citation: Data downloaded from the Maternal and Infant Health Mapping Tool, a website developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Accessed on [date].

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