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  2. FAQ: Vision Screening in Young Children Program (HRSA-21-033)

FAQ: Vision Screening in Young Children Program (HRSA-21-033)


Where can I find a recording of the NOFO Technical Assistance call?

View the webinar recording

Do you have a sample budget that I may take a look at?

While there is not a sample budget template to share, the SF-424 Application Guide (PDF - 625 KB) provides information on what to include in the budget section and what are unallowable costs.

Can an African organization, run in Africa apply for this grant?

Funding for the HRSA-21-033 Vision Screening in Young Children Program is limited to domestic public and private entities in the USA.

Is this program for any state?

Any domestic public or private entity is eligible to apply. Applicants should be sure to read the full application guidance to understand all of the program requirements. This program does not fund vision screening services directly, rather the successful applicant is expected to serve as a national resource at the national, state, and community levels on children’s vision and eye health. Pages 6-7 of the application guidance describes all of the program activities.

For Objective 2, is there any specific way that applicants should be measuring that 90 percent of stakeholders demonstrate increased knowledge and/or awareness of evidence-based vision screening resources, tools, and recommended guidelines, for example, using pre/post, or surveys?

Applicants should propose the method for how they will measure the 90 percent increase.

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