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Overview: CAREWare for Healthy Start


What is CAREWare?

We offer CAREWare at no cost to Healthy Start awardees. HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program originally developed CAREWare. It is a database. The software is highly customizable. On behalf of and in partnership with the Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services (DHSPS), the TA & Support Center at NICHQ adapted CAREWare to Healthy Start’s case management and reporting needs.

What features does CAREWare include?

It includes Healthy Start Data Collection Forms and the Monthly Healthy Start Aggregate Report. CAREWare also offers a built-in validator for client-level data files to assist awardees in reviewing and correcting their monthly data prior to submission to the Healthy Start Monitoring and Evaluation Data System (HSMED).

Who can use CAREWare?

CAREWare is available to all 101 Healthy Start awardees.

Is there a cost associated with CAREWare?


Is my Healthy Start project required to use CAREWare?

No, CAREWare is not mandatory.

How can I access CAREWare?

All 101 Healthy Start Project Directors receive an email containing a username, password, and instructions for logging into CAREWare. If you do not want to use CAREWare, please disregard the email. If you did not receive the email or misplaced your login information, please email Instructions for creating staff logins are detailed in the CAREWare User Guide and were covered in the CAREWare training on August 18, 2020.

Will Healthy Start grantees receive trainings on CAREWare?

Yes, on behalf of and in partnership with DHSPS, the TA & Support Center hosted a virtual training on CAREWare on August 18, 2020. The TA & Support Center also hosted a Q&A session on September 1, 2020. The Healthy Start EPIC website posted the recordings of both the training and the Q&A session.

What if I still have questions about CAREWare?

Technical Questions:

The TA & Support Center is working with a company called jProg to customize CAREWare for Healthy Start. jProg will be offering technical support to Healthy Start awardees via email and phone. All technical questions should be emailed to Phone support will be available Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. ET at 800-371-7973.

Non-technical Questions and Feedback:

The TA & Support Center will be accepting all feedback and non-technical questions at Center staff may schedule follow-up phone calls with awardees to address questions or concerns submitted.

Data Collection and Reporting:

For questions regarding implementation of the three Healthy Start Data Collection Forms, general data collection, and reporting, please email questions to the mailbox and copy your Project Officer.

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