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Children's Hospital Los Angeles Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine Center

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Maternal and Child Health Interdisciplinary Education in Pediatric Pulmonary Centers Program
Institution: Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Region: 9
Project Director:

Roberta Kato, MD
Department of Pediatrics, Pulmonology
Phone: 323-361-2101



The Children's Hospital Los Angeles Pediatric Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine Center (CHLA PPSMC) addresses the urgent need to train a diverse group of pediatric pulmonology and sleep medicine leaders to care and advocate for a culturally and linguistically diverse population of children and youth with special healthcare needs in Los Angeles.

Goals and objectives:

Goal 1: The CHLA PPSMC Leadership Program, we will develop leaders Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine in six core disciplines.

  1. Recruit six diverse interdisciplinary (ID) trainees each year
  2. Train six ID trainees in the MCH Leadership Competencies
  3. Perform one/yr group ID quality improvement (QI) project
  4. Six trainees present monthly
  5. Six individual ID trainees complete a research, QI or advocacy project.

Goal 2: Design family-centered educational programs and family partnerships.

  1. Conduct annual family focus groups to identify the educational needs of patients and families
  2. Determine the ideal modality of education to meet the needs of patients and families for five pulmonary diseases, one each year
  3. Monthly ID family-centered rounds QI project
  4. Annual educational events in our five core pulmonary diseases
  5. Annual participation in the Family Voices of California Health Summit

Goal 3: Expand virtual care to improve access to care by removing barriers and improve health outcomes.

  1. Develop and test hands-on and digital simulation for five pulmonary problems over five years
  2. Develop relationships with providers in outlying areas with one international site, one remote CA and five local LA sites
  3. Create social media, online and Podcast content to engage > 1000 learners/yrs

Goal 4: Provide expert pulmonary education to the community.

  1. Create an online training center with one topic developed each year for five years
  2. Develop training modules for each pulmonary topic for five levels of audiences over five years

Goal 5: Reduce healthcare disparities and increase recruitment of a diverse healthcare workforce on par with the culturally, racially, linguistically and ethnically diverse population of Los Angeles County.

  1. The CHLA PPSMC will participate in a series of 12 activities each year to improve bias knowledge.
  2. Faculty and trainees will participate in one hospital committee addressing disparities each year.
  3. We will give six presentations/yr in the LA community and online to increase exposure to the pediatric pulmonology interdisciplinary healthcare workforce opportunities
  4. We will recruit four STEAM students from high schools and community colleges to research projects to expand exposure to a diverse community within LA County.


A MCH competency-based curriculum responds to program objectives and supports the overall goals of clinical practice, scholarship, teaching, and advocacy / administration.


Our program collects formative and summative data including faculty, trainee, and family feedback.


Improve the healthcare of children and youth with special healthcare needs with pulmonary disease.