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Children's Hospital Los Angeles Leadership Education in Adolescent Health

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Program
Institution: Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Region: 9
Project Director:

Sara Sherer, PhD
Phone: 323-361-4771



The Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is applying to the Maternal and Child Health Bureau for the Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Program. Problem - the CHLA LEAH is designed to improve the quality of care and equitable access to appropriate health services for adolescents and young adults (AYA) by preparing leaders in AYA health through interdisciplinary training at the graduate and post-graduate levels.

Goals and objectives:

Our aims are to:

  1. prepare diverse AYA health professionals, through didactic, experiential, and research-based interdisciplinary education and training in core health disciplines of medicine, nursing, nutrition, psychology, and social work to assume leadership roles in adolescent health;
  2. expand diversity, equity, and inclusion related to race, ethnicity, gender, geography, and special populations within all training program components, including but not limited to trainee/faculty recruitment, staffing plan, curricula, clinical and experiential activities, and research foci to address health disparities and increase health equity for AYA;
  3. develop new evidence based products and practices that advance the field of AYA health;
  4. improve access to behavioral, emotional, mental, developmental, and psychosocial health services, well-being, and support for AYA; and
  5. develop, expand, and disseminate population-based strategies and effective practices through collaboration and coordination of telehealth, tele-education/distance learning, technical assistance (TA), and continuing education (CE) to build the capacity of interdisciplinary professionals and trainees. The CHLA LEAH Program will be dedicated to training physicians, psychologists, nurses, nutritionists, and social workers for leadership positions in clinical care, public health, research, policy, and advocacy.


The CHLA LEAH Curriculum includes innovative approaches to professional education and patient care; integrates bio-psychological and life course health concepts and practices; and provides opportunities to demonstrate leadership in improving services for adolescents through developmentally appropriate and tailored clinical and public health approaches.


CHLA has a long history of collaboration and involvement with County and State Title V MCH Programs, and with Title X and Title XIX programs, which will serve to ensure that trainees participate in the development of new adolescent health programs and have the opportunity to apply innovative techniques and public health approaches to affect the health care system. CHLA is also deeply involved in the surrounding community and LEAH will leverage these relationships.


The CHLA LEAH multi-method evaluation plan is designed to 1) assess our success in achieving our goals and objectives; 2) identify challenges and barriers to meeting our goals and objectives and provide opportunity for mid-course corrections; 3) gather data on the training performance measures and administrative information requested by MCHB; and 4) measure the impact of the CHLA LEAH Program.