Supporting Active and Resilient Kids (SpARK)

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP)
Institution: Centro De Salud La Comunidad De San Ysidro, Inc.
Location: San Diego, CA
Region: 9
Project Director:

Fatima Munoz
Phone: 619-395-8455



San Ysidro Health (SYHealth) is requesting Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) grant funds to support its proposed Learning and Understanding the Need for InTegrated Adherence (LUNItA) Program for Children & Families a.k.a LUNItA-East Program. The proposed LUNItA-East program addresses the need for comprehensive, culturally, and linguistically inclusive services for children aged 6-11 and their parents/caregivers who reside and receive services in San Diego County's East Region.

Goals and objectives:

The LUNItA-East program will expand and enhance SYHealth's existing care management programs by increasing access to a greater number of children and families. The overarching goal of SYHealth's proposed LUNItA-East program is to ensure children who are overweight or obese reduce their risk of developing a serious chronic health condition through a) increased access and utilization of comprehensive pediatric medical care and preventive services, and b) increased engagement with local community organizations and schools to improve access and linkage to support services for children and families residing in the health center's service community. Specific program objectives include:1. By August 31, 2023, SYHealth will update their existing LUNITA Program for children and families to meet the specific needs of San Diego East County. The existing LUNItA program is a culturally and linguistically competent comprehensive program aligned with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Bright Futures frameworks for Promoting Healthy Weight, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Family Support.2. By February 28, 2028, the LUNITA-East team will reach 1,600 children with or at risk of overweight/obesity and their parents/families to provide them with community-based, group comprehensive pediatric health education and prevention services (Yearly breakdown: 100 in the 2nd half of Year 1-pilot phase; 300 in year 2; 400 per year in years 3 to 5).3. By February 28, 2028, 350 children with overweight/obesity and their parents/families will receive individual, comprehensive care services under the LUNITA-East Program (Yearly breakdown: 25 in the 2nd half of Year 1- pilot phase; 50 in year 2; 75 in year 3; 100 per year in years 4 to 5).4. By February 28, 2028, 75% of children and their parents/family who participate in LUNITA-East will achieve their patient-centered SMART goal.5. By February 28, 2028, at least 75% of children and their parents/families who participate in the LUNITA-East Program will demonstrate improvements in child/parent knowledge/skills, and/or clinical quality of care measures within 1 year of being enrolled in the program.6. By February 28, 2028, 100% of children and their parents/families in LUNITA-East identified with a medical condition, behavioral condition, or any other social determinant of health that poses significant risk to their health or well-being will be referred to medical, behavioral health, or other social support services within SYHealth or community partner organizations.


The proposed LUNItA-East Program will build upon SYHealth's pediatric Care Coordination, Health Education, and clinical services infrastructure. LUNItA-East is designed to reach the multiple and distinct communities (e.g., Iraqi, Afghan, Iranian, Vietnamese) throughout San Diego County's East Region. The enhanced program design will improve linkages between primary care, health education, care coordination, and support services within SYHealth, as well as improve cross-referral pathways and linkages to external resources and programs for children/families in the community.


SYHealth's proposed LUNItA-East program includes community collaboration specifically with the American Academy of Pediatrics -- California Chapter Three (AAP-CA3), San Diego Hunger Coalition, and Mountain Empire Unified School District.


SYHealth's program evaluation activities will be led by its Research and Health Promotion Departmentleadership, including the Program Director and Program Manager, both of whom have extensive expertise in developing program policies/procedures and data tracking/evaluation.