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  6. Montana Access to Pediatric Psychiatry Network (MAPP-Net)

Montana Access to Pediatric Psychiatry Network (MAPP-Net)

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program (PMHCA)
Institution: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Location: Helena, MT
Region: 8
Project Director:

Catherine LeMay
Phone: 406-444-7077



Montana faces a critical shortage of pediatric mental health professionals, leaving mental healthcare for children and adolescents to primary care providers who do not have training to provide these services.

Goals and objectives:

Goal: To integrate behavioral health and pediatric primary care by developing and improving Montana's telehealth access program. Project Objectives: (A) Increase the number of providers using the program for real-time behavioral consultations and/or care coordination support services (including referrals) (B) Increase the number of providers trained on child and adolescent behavioral disorders, including screening, diagnosis, and treatment (C) Increase the number of provider trainings that incorporate equity and respectful or culturally and linguistically responsive care (D) Increase the number of children and adolescents for whom a provider contacted the program for consultation and/or care coordination support services, especially those living in rural and other underserved areas.


MAPP-Net will meet pediatric psychiatry needs in every county in Montana by connecting pediatric psychiatrists to primary care providers across the state to provide expert consultation services via a toll-free access line, increasing primary care providers' capacity to treat pediatric patients with mental illness through ongoing professional development delivered through Project ECHO, and supporting primary care providers in managing these patients through statewide grand round-style case discussions delivered through synchronous distance technology and other provider education initiatives.


MAPP-Net will housed in the Family & Community Health Bureau with Montana's Title V MCH at the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS). The clinical partner for this funding cycle will Be determined through an RFP process.


The evaluation plan, which will be undertaken by a contracted evaluation team, uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures and processes to document and guide development activities and monitor program implementation outputs and outcomes. Evaluation data will include existing data review, survey results, and program use summaries. We will use existing data gathering mechanisms and develop new ones, as needed, to accomplish our evaluation purposes. Results will be reviewed on a regular basis to guide the continuous improvement process.