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FAQ: Center for Maternal and Child Health Medicaid Partnerships (CMMP)

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-24-105

Are universities/institutions of higher education eligible to apply?

Yes, universities/institutions of higher education are eligible to apply. These types of domestic organizations may apply:

  • Public or private
  • Non-profit entities, including community-based organizations
  • For-profit entities
  • Institutions of higher education (public, private)
  • Tribal governments or organizations

Is there a limit of one application per institution/organization?

An organization may only submit one application for the opportunity. However, they can submit several versions of the same application. Applicants may apply to as many times as they want before the application deadline. The last application that verifies before the deadline will move forward.

Can applicants submit joint applications?

Applicants may propose partnerships in the implementation of their proposed projects. However, the application must be submitted by one organization. In cases where a lead organization submits a successful application, HRSA will make the award to the successful applicant only and that organization will be responsible for meeting the requirements of the cooperative agreement. Please see the Attachments section of the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), starting on page 16, for more information on Letters of Agreement, Memoranda of Understanding, and Letters of Support.

Can you clarify whether entities within a large system with separate Unique Entity Identifier numbers will be considered separate organizations for this solicitation?

Organizations within a system that have Unique Entity Identifiers can each apply.

Multiple applications from an organization with one UEI are not allowable. If HRSA receives multiple applications from an organization, we will only review the last validated application submitted before the submission deadline.

Can an organization apply as a subrecipient and as a lead?


Can an organization apply as a subrecipient on multiple applications?


Is there an incumbent or is this new funding?

HRSA 24-105 Center for Maternal and Child Health Medicaid Partnerships is a new award. No entity is currently funded.

Our organization was awarded another HRSA award several months ago. Would we still be eligible to apply for the HRSA 24-105 opportunity?

Yes, awardees of other HRSA grants/cooperative agreements are eligible to apply.

Can an organization apply to both HRSA-24-037 (Maternal and Child Health Policy Innovation Program) and HRSA-24-105 (Center for Maternal and Child Health Medicaid Partnerships)?


Where in the application do the Work Plan Narrative and the Work Plan Matrix go?

The Work Plan Narrative should be included as part of the Project Narrative. The Work Plan Matrix should be included as part of Attachment 1.

What does it mean to “provide a justification of funds requested” for the Work Plan Matrix?

Applicants are expected to include a complete budget justification in the Budget and Budget Narrative section of the application. In the Work Plan Matrix, applicants are expected to briefly describe why the funds are needed.

Please clarify what is requested for Attachments 2 and 3.

Attachment 2 – Staffing Plan and Job Descriptions for Key Personnel, should include job descriptions of key personnel, including the role, responsibility, and qualifications of proposed key staff. Also, include a description of the organization’s time keeping process.

Attachment 3 – Biographical Sketches of Key Personnel, should include the biographical sketches of the key personnel occupying the positions highlighted in Attachment 2.

Is the 5th year budget counted in the 50-page limit?

The SF-424A Budget Information form, including the year 5 budget as an Attachment, does NOT count in the page limit, but any related budget narratives do count.

What is the project organizational chart required for Attachment 6?

The project organizational chart is the applicant’s organizational structure. Applicants should make it clear where the Center for MCH Medicaid Partnerships falls within that structure.

The NOFO mentions performance measures and monitoring as part of the reporting requirements for the grant. Are the performance measures or monitoring requirements pre-determined by HRSA (as a chart/data entry system, etc.) or do we develop and propose measures ourselves in the application?

There are performance measures required by HRSA, which you will find in the DGIS (Discretionary Grants Information System) forms, including Health Equity, Technical Assistance (including recipient satisfaction), Partnerships and Collaboration, Guidelines and Policy, Engagement of Persons with Lived Experience, Knowledge Change, and Products and Publications. For more information on these measures, please see the Reporting section of the NOFO on page 26. Applicants may propose performance measures in addition to HRSA’s required measures.

Applicants should also propose monitoring strategies, including how you will track project-related processes, activities, and milestones, and use data to identify actual or potential challenges to implementation; provide an initial list of measures (indicators, metrics) you will use to monitor progress.

Is there any more information about what HRSA is looking for? Also, what are the odds of receiving such an award?

On Thursday, May 23, 2024, HRSA hosted a live, Technical Assistance Webinar for the HRSA-24-105 funding opportunity. The webinar recording, along with this list of Frequently Asked Questions, may be found here: Center for Maternal and Child Health Medicaid Partnerships | HRSA.

For business, administrative, or fiscal issues/questions:
Denise Boyer
Grants Management Specialist

For Program issues or technical assistance:
Maura Dwyer
Public Health Analyst
Attn: Maternal and Child Health Policy Innovation

Please note that HRSA cannot provide information or guidance beyond what is included in the notice of funding opportunity. HRSA will not review or provide feedback on specific project proposals or ideas outside of the application review process outlined in the NOFO, as this is a competition.

Is there a deadline to submit questions?

There is no deadline for submitting questions. However, as the email inbox is not monitored 24 hours a day, it is recommended that you send any questions as soon as possible so we have time to respond.

I missed the technical assistance webinar on May 23, 2024. Is an audio recording available?

This webinar recording will be posted on MCHB’s website by the end of May: Center for Maternal and Child Health Medicaid Partnerships | HRSA.

When I hit the "apply" button on the website it gives me this error message. I'm not sure what to do from here to initiate this application. Can you help me or connect me with someone who can?

We are sorry you are having challenges with the website. Please contact support, which is available 24/7 (except federal holidays). They can be reached at or 1-800-518-4726 (U.S.). Please be sure to include supporting details when you call or email. You can also find answers to frequently asked questions on the page.

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