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FAQ: FY 2023 Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management Award


These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) serve as a resource for applicants in developing applications in response to the FY 2023 Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management Award. Applicants are advised to read the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in its entirety for complete information.

Additional resources

Technical Assistance Webinar – A recording of the May 25th webinar outlining program requirements, expectations, and instructions.

Table of contents

  1. Funding and eligibility
  2. Application submission
  3. General questions

I. Funding and eligibility

How much total funding is available for the Award?

In FY 2023, up to $4.5 million is available for one award to one recipient, of which not more than $1.5 million shall be used to establish and operate the Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management.

The period of performance is September 30, 2023, through September 29, 2028 (5 years). HRSA estimates that up to $4.5 million will be available each year, of which not more than $1.5 million will support the Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management.

Funding beyond the first year is subject to the availability of appropriated funds for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program in subsequent fiscal years, satisfactory progress, and a decision that continued funding is in the best interest of the Federal Government.

Who is eligible to apply for the Award?
Eligible entities include public and private nonprofit entities. Tribes and tribal organizations are also eligible.
How much can eligible entities request?
Eligible entities may not request more than the total grant award of $4.5 million annually and may choose to request less.
When will awards be issued?
HRSA expects to issue a Notice of Award prior to the project period start date of September 30, 2023.
What is the period of performance?
The period of performance extends from September 30, 2023, to September 29, 2028 (5 years).

II. Application submission

Where can I obtain a copy of the FY 2023 Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management NOFO (HRSA-23-121)?
Applicants can log into to download a PDF of the NOFO from the Workspace.
How do I submit my application?
HRSA requires applications to be submitted electronically through using the SF-424 Workspace application package associated with this NOFO. Please follow these instructions to submit your application.
When are applications due?
The application deadline is Friday, July 14, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. HRSA suggests submitting applications to at least 3 business days before the deadline to allow for any unforeseen circumstances. Applications must be complete, within the specified page limit, and submitted prior to the deadline to be considered under this notice.
What is the activity code for this grant award?
The activity code for this grant is UU6.
What is in a complete NOFO submission?

A complete submission includes five parts, and should follow the instructions in Section 4.1.iv of HRSA’s SF-424 Application Guide (PDF - 680 KB):

  1. Project Abstract
  2. Project Narrative
  3. Budget
  4. Budget Narrative
  5. Attachments
    • Note: There are five required attachments for all applications this year. All other attachments must be submitted, as applicable.
Which attachments are required? Which count towards the 50-page limit?
The table below shows the required attachments and which count toward the 50-page limit. All other attachments are required as applicable. Please read the NOFO carefully to assess which additional attachments are required in your submission.
Attachment Required for all applicants Counts toward 50-page limit
1. Work Plan Required Yes
2. Staffing Plan and Job Descriptions for Key Personnel Required Yes
3. Biographical Sketches of Key Personnel Required Yes
4. Letters of Agreement, Memoranda of Understanding, and/or Description(s) of Proposed/Existing Contracts If applicable Yes
5. Project Organizational Chart Required Yes
6. For Multi-Year Budgets 5th Year Budget Required Yes*
7. Tables, Charts, etc. If applicable Yes
8. Proof of Non-profit Status If applicable Yes
9-15. Other Relevant Documents If applicable Yes**

*SF-424A Section B does not count in the page limit; however, any related budget narrative does count.

**Indirect cost rate agreement can be submitted as part of other relevant documents, but does not count in the page limit.

III. General questions

How is a cooperative agreement different from a grant and what is HRSA’s involvement in the cooperative agreement?

A grant is money, property, or direct help HRSA awards to a qualified non-federal entity (NFE). A cooperative agreement is a financial assistance mechanism where HRSA anticipates substantial involvement with the recipient during performance of the contemplated project.

For this cooperative agreement, HRSA program involvement and responsibilities will include:

  • Providing oversight and subject matter expertise in the planning and development of the project.
  • Participating, as appropriate, in conference calls, meetings, and technical assistance sessions that are conducted during the period of the cooperative agreement.
  • Participating in all planning activities, including, but not limited to, identifying areas for resource development; and facilitating connections and collaboration with federally funded technical assistance (TA) centers, MIECHV awardees, and local implementing agencies (LIAs).
  • Participating with the recipient in the dissemination of project findings, best practices, and lessons learned from the project.
  • Reviewing activities, measures, and tools to be established and implemented to accomplish the goals of the project.
  • Reviewing and editing, as appropriate, written documents developed by the awardee.
What is the expected reach of the Award?
The Institute and Center are expected to have a national reach and focus and provide technical assistance to state, tribal, and local MIECHV home visiting programs across the nation.
How will the work of the Center be integrated into the Institute?
The Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management (the Center) will be housed within the larger Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development (the Institute). The Center will focus specifically on identifying and assessing evidence-based case management practices within home visiting. This is a specific focus for home visiting professional development and practice and should enhance the Institute's broader workforce support activities.
What is the difference between Phase One and Phase Two?
Phase One is the planning phase and Phase Two is the implementation phase for both the Institute and the Center. The timeline of Phase One is the first eighteen months of the 5-year project period, and Phase Two is expected to occur during years two through five. The purpose of dividing the project into two phases is to dedicate the first 18 months specifically to creating an intentional plan for implementation and lay the groundwork for project activities to occur in years two through five. The awardee is expected to accomplish both phases in coordination with, and subject to approval by, HRSA.
Do I need to include a budget breakdown of funds that will be used separately for the Institute and the Center?
Yes. The budget narrative should explain the amounts requested under each included line item. The budget justification should specifically describe how each item will support the achievement of proposed objectives. You must submit a budget justification for the entire period of performance from years 1 through 5. Line-item information must be provided to explain the costs entered in the SF-424A. You must separately identify costs associated with the Center and describe the total of those costs, which should not exceed $1.5 million.
Will the reviewer scores and comments be made available to the submitting entity after the notice of award is made?
Yes. Notifications with summary statements including overall scores and reviewer feedback will be sent to all applicants. Information about the application and review process can be found on the HRSA website.
Can project funds be used to hire staff to oversee the project?
Yes. Funds may be used for personnel costs related to the oversight of the project. Please include biographical sketches for key personnel in Attachment 3, not to exceed two pages in length per person. If a biographical sketch is included for an identified individual not yet hired, include a letter of commitment from that person with the biographical sketch.
Who needs to be reflected in staffing plans in the NOFO application?

HRSA suggests that applicants identify key staff as, at a minimum, a project director and project coordinator. Additional staff may be listed as key staff based on the applicant’s proposed project.

As described on page 19 of the NOFO, the budget narrative should include personnel costs. Specifically, list each staff member to be supported by (1) award funds or (2) in-kind contributions. Include the full name of each staff member (or indicate a vacancy), position title, percentage of full-time equivalency, and annual salary.

An organizational chart must be provided as Attachment 5, which should consist of a one-page figure that depicts the organizational structure of the project.

Should the Institute and Center have separate staff and activities to address the objectives?
The Institute and Center may share staff as long as the total level of effort for any staff does not exceed 100% across this and other funded efforts. Funding must be carefully tracked to ensure that not more than $1.5 million of the total award is used to support the Center's activities.
What are the reporting requirements of this award?
Information about the reporting requirements can be found on pages 31 and 32 of the NOFO. The award recipient must comply with Section 6 of HRSA’s SF-424 Application Guide, and complete Discretionary Grant Information System (DGIS) performance reports and progress reports.
Are there requirements for conducting performance measurement, program evaluation, or continuous quality improvement (CQI) activities for both the Institute for Home Visiting Workforce Development and the Jackie Walorski Center for Evidence-Based Case Management?

Yes, these activities are required for both the Institute and Center in Phases One and Two.

  • The recipient will be expected to collect and report annually to HRSA on measures that align with program and performance goals.
  • The recipient will evaluate progress toward meeting program objectives through descriptive evaluation that will include incorporation of performance measures.
  • The recipient will use the performance measurement and evaluation information to inform and improve program processes and outcomes.
  • The recipient will develop a unified plan that describes proposed performance measures, evaluation activities, and CQI strategies and the intersections and shared uses of data between them. The plan should propose evaluation questions and indicate how the proposed performance measures will help answer those questions.
Is the recipient expected to coordinate with other Technical Assistance (TA) providers post award?
Yes, the recipient is expected to collaborate with other MIECHV Program, HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), and other U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) technical assistance providers, as suggested by HRSA upon award, to ensure coordination and avoid duplication of supports.
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