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  6. Center of Excellence in MCH Education, Science and Practice

Center of Excellence in MCH Education, Science and Practice

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Centers of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education Science and Practice
Institution: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH)
Location: Baltimore, MD
Region: 3
Project Director:

Cynthia Minkovitz, MD, MPP
Phone: 410-955-3384



Improving MCH requires professionals and academics with MCH knowledge andanalytic and critical thinking skills to make informed decisions for MCH programs and policies.

Goals and objectives:

The COE goal is to promote the health of women, infants,children, adolescents, and children and youth with special health care needs. This goal will beaccomplished through 7 objectives: multidisciplinary training for PhD students interested inMCH academic, research and practice careers; multidisciplinary training for masters studentswho plan careers in MCH practice or policy; promotion of MCH knowledge and advocacy to all BSPH students; applied experiences to engage trainees in analytic and critical thinking; technicalassistance (TA) to the MCH community using multiple approaches; faculty research involvingcollaboration with students; and teaching, research, and services activities that include an understanding of cultural diversity, disparities in health and access to health care, cultural competency and equity.


The COE is supported by an interdisciplinary faculty from multiple healthand related disciplines and Advisory Committee that will provide guidance to the COE forassessing progress in meeting objectives. A broad MCH curriculum is available for BSPHmasters and doctoral students which addresses MCH leadership and CEPH competencies. It isembedded in a life course perspective on health and the history and implementation of Title Vprograms and their impact on the health and well-being of MCH populations. The MCH sciencebase, critical thinking, analytical skills and diversity also are core priorities. The COE offerslong-term training in Population, Family and Reproductive Health (PFRH) degree programs:PhD, MSPH, and MHS, the school wide MPH and DrPH programs and an MCH certificate forstudents in academic programs throughout JHU. PhD and MSPH students in PFRH are eligiblefor COE tuition funding. The COE also offers support to MSPH students who undertake fieldplacements in Title V agencies, for teaching assistants in MCH courses and for pilot projects inMCH community-based programs. The COE represents a strong voice for MCH at the BSPHwith a broad curriculum for students interested in MCH from departments other than PFRH.COE faculty and affiliated PFRH centers offer TA for the MCH workforce and programsfocusing on critical thinking and translation of the MCH science base for practice and programs.


The COE has strong relationships with MCHB, AMCHP, local and stateMCH agencies in Region III, JHU HRSA training programs, the Bloomberg American HealthInitiative, Center for Adolescent Health, Urban Health Institute, Early Childhood ServicesResearch Program, Gates Institute, WIC Program and public and private MCH programs.


Trainees are evaluated by written culminating projects; field placements; anddoctoral oral exams and thesis defenses. COE databases for long term trainees, field placements,culminating projects, graduates, faculty publications and grants are used to evaluate the COE.