MCH Epidemiology Doctoral Training

Project Profile

MCHB Program: MCH Epidemiology Doctoral Training
Institution: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Region: 4
Project Director:

Sandra Martin, PhD
Phone: 919-966-5973



This project will serve to increase data analysis capacity of Title V and other MCH agencies by training doctoral-level MCH epidemiologists and facilitating dissertation research that involves state or local level analyses on a public health topic important to MCH populations.


Highly skilled MCH professionals with strong analytic expertise are needed to guide evidence-based decisions to promote the health of MCH populations. The ability of MCH professionals to access and appropriately use available data is central to: conducting surveillance to monitor population-level trends in MCH outcomes; identifying health disparities within MCH populations; evaluating the effectiveness and impact of MCH programs and policies; and conducting research to understand risk factors and exposures most relevant to key MCH outcomes. Training in MCH Epidemiology at the doctoral level equips future MCH professionals with the skills and expertise needed to carry out these vital functions within state and local health departments and other organizations.


Objective 1. Provide financial support to UNC MCH PhD students with leadership potential who minor in Epidemiology and who will conduct (or are conducting) state or local level analyses to address a public health topic important to MCH populations for their dissertation.

Objective 2. Educate UNC MCH PhD students minoring in Epidemiology in current and emerging issues in MCH epidemiology, data collection, surveillance systems, advanced applied and quantitative analytic methods, and frameworks for state/local MCH populations and programs.

Objective 3. Strengthen the evidence base in MCH by requiring that that all UNC MCH PhD students, including those minoring in Epidemiology, submit their dissertation research to peer-reviewed journals for publication.