MCH Epidemiology Doctoral Training

Project Profile

MCHB Program: MCH Epidemiology Doctoral Training
Institution: University of Illinois at Chicago
Location: Chicago, IL
Region: 5
Project Director:

Arden Handler, DrPH
Phone: 312-996-5954



The purpose of this project is to obtain funding support for doctoral trainees in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (MCHEPI). These trainees complete a PhD in MCH Epidemiology and are required to focus their dissertation research on the analysis of state or local ( city or county) data in conjunction or with the support of state and local public health agencies. This project builds on historical and ongoing efforts to provide training in MCH Epidemiology both nationally and at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health (UIC-SPH).


GOAL 1: To deliver an excellent doctoral program in MCH Epidemiology that attracts high quality students and results in job placements in the field of MCH Epidemiology in state or local public health agencies and/or academe in the field of MCHEPI.