Healthy Families Healthy Kids Initiative

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP)
Institution: University of Texas at El Paso
Location: El Paso, TX
Region: 6
Project Director:

Yok-Fong Paat, PhD
Phone: 915-747-5789



The need to access structured physical activities, nutritious food, preventive health care, and reliable health information is a growing critical concern for families and school-age children residing in the US-Mexico border region that is largely medically underserved and economically marginalized.

Goals and objectives:

  • Goal 1: Increase families and school-age children’s access to experiential learning and health education in El Paso County. Objectives: Develop culturally and linguistically competent educational and health materials for public dissemination; organize family-friendly health promotion activities, family-centered structured enrichment and physical activities of varied modalities, nutrition and health literacy symposia, healthy living seminars, and child development and parenting workshops.
  • Goal 2: Improve families and school-age children’s access to preventive health services in El Paso County. Objectives: Offer preventive health screenings and resources; develop public outreach to increase health awareness.
  • Goal 3: Increase families and school-age children’s access to sustainable systems/linkages of care in El Paso County. Objective: Establish partnerships with pediatric care providers, Title V MCH program providers, other health providers, and/or community-based agencies.


This project has seven important activities that target the physical and nutritional needs of families and school-age children:

  1. Treasure Chest of Knowledge
  2. Healthy Tomorrows Health Fairs
  3. Family Health Awareness Activities
  4. Family Fitness Activities
  5. Nutrition and Health Literacy Symposia
  6. Healthy Living Seminars
  7. Healthy Homes for Healthy Communities

COORDINATION: This project is a community-based initiative of The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), working in collaboration and consultation with national, regional, and local health experts (including practitioners, scientists, and scholars), local health providers, community-based agencies, and schools.


Project data will be collected to assess the needs of the target population and ensure efficient and successful implementation. Process and outcome evaluation of the project includes developing (1) survey tools to effectively assess changes in levels of awareness, knowledge, and satisfaction with the activities, and (2) a practical database to track activities, trainings, and events/activities that are offered each year, as well as the numbers and characteristics of participants.