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  6. New Hampshire-Maine Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities

New Hampshire-Maine Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND)
Institution: University of New Hampshire
Location: Durham, NH
Region: 1
Project Director:

Betsy Humphreys, PhD
Institute on Disability
Phone: 603-862-4124



Authorized by the Autism CARES Act of 2019, the purpose of the NH-ME LEND Program is to improve the health of individuals who have, or are at risk for developing, NDD and ASD by providing graduate-level, interdisciplinary, leadership training in maternal and child health for graduate students, practicing professionals, family members, and self-advocates. The purpose of this graduate-level training program is to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents who have, or are at risk for developing, neurodevelopmental and other related disabilities (NDD), including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), by expanding interdisciplinary training opportunities for graduate-level trainees from a wide variety of professional disciplines. The specialized needs of children and youth with NDD/ASD require a highly trained professional workforce. Critical personnel shortages in MCH professions negatively impact the lives of children and youth with NDD/ASD and their families. This results in increased wait times for developmental evaluations in NH and ME clinics; challenges with care coordination; limited access to culturally sensitive, family-centered care; changing models of service provision; NH-ME LEND Program seeks to address these critical needs through exemplary interdisciplinary training.

Goals and objectives:

GOAL 1: Increase the number of trained professionals to meet the complex needs of individuals withASD/DD through interdisciplinary leadership training. Obj 1.1 Recruit and retain 18 long-term trainees annually, Obj. 1.2 Recruit diverse trainees, Obj. 1.3 Engage medium and short-term trainees.GOAL 2: Implement a comprehensive curriculum incorporating interdisciplinary clinical, leadership, and didactic content to prepare trainees to assume leadership roles in the provision of MCH services for children and youth with ASD/DD. Obj 2.1 Clinical and Practicum Experiences, Obj. 2.2 InterdisciplinaryLeadership Curriculum, and Obj. 2.3 Didactic Training Content.GOAL 3: Coordinate and collaborate with federal, regional, state, and local partners to enhance and expand services for children and youth with ASD/DD. Obj. 3.1 Continuing Education & Professional Development, Obj. 3.2 Technical Assistance/Consultation: Obj. 3.3 Program Collaboration.GOAL 4: Disseminate curricular materials, educational resources, and research findings annually to sustain effective strategies, services, and interventions. Obj. 4.1 Implement Dissemination Plan and Obj.4.2. Implement Sustainability Plan.GOAL 5: Implement organizational and administrative structures to ensure program success.Obj. 5.1 Program Evaluation, Obj. 5.2 Leadership Team, Obj. 5.3 Advisory Committee, Obj. 5.4 Ad hocExecutive Committee.


During the project period the NH-ME LEND Program will provide exemplary interdisciplinary training for 90 long-term and 75 short-term and 400 medium-term trainees from a wide variety of professional disciplines to assume leadership roles in Maternal and Child Health for children and youth with NDD/ASD and their families.