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  6. Rhode Island Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities - RI LEND

Rhode Island Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities - RI LEND

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (LEND)
Institution: Rhode Island Hospital
Location: Providence, RI
Region: 1
Project Director:

Pamela High, MD
Phone: 401-444-5440



To achieve the goal of enabling all children in RI to reach their full potential, RI child health professionals need leadership skills and expertise in culturally competent, family centered, interdisciplinary practices in a medical home.

Goals and objectives:

Goal 1: Through interdisciplinary education with systematic evaluation and feedback, advance the knowledge and skills of RI child health professionals to improve the life course and health of children with ASD and other related NDD. Obj 1.1: Recruit 14 LTT/yr from > 10 MCH disciplines. Obj 1.2: Recruit culturally diverse, talented trainees at all levels. Goal 2: Prepare trainees to assume leadership roles by focusing on MCH leadership competencies. Goal 3: Provide training in research methodology and experience in research and program assessment to enhance skills in design, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of work products. Obj 3.3: Participate in MCH sponsored multisite research through RI's DBPNet affiliation. Goal 4: Offer Continuing Education for Title V and MCH-related hospital and community-based professionals. Obj 4.1: Recruit >80 ILT/yr: 20 pediatric residents and10 pediatric fellows, 27 educators and 30 EI providers. Obj 4.2: Offer >25 community trainings/yr. Goal 5: Provide technical assistance to Title V and MCH-related community programs. Goal 6: Increase the diagnosis of, or rule out, individuals with ASD or DD by reducing barriers to the delivery of early screening and coordinating interdisciplinary assessment through RI EI and DBP leadership. Goal 7: Improve access to evidence-based treatment for children with ASD and DD through collaboration with RI EI, DHS, The Autism Project, RI Cedar, and DOH. Goal 8: Improve access to transition to adult services for teens with ASD and DD through collaboration with MCH partners.


1) Engage interdisciplinary faculty from across RI in implementation of a LEND curriculum emphasizing collaborative, family centered and culturally competent practices within a medical home and leadership skill development for graduate trainees. 2) Enroll and engage 2 DBP fellows and 12-15 additional interdisciplinary LTTs/year. 3) Include community and hospital clinical experiences, project development and dissemination. 4) Provide technical assistance and continuing education with MCH partners and families of children with ASD and DD statewide. 5) Provide diagnostic an ongoing interdisciplinary clinical care to children with ASD/DD and related conditions. HP 2030 Objectives: MICH-17. Increase the proportion of children who receive a developmental screening. MICH-18. Increase the proportion children with ASD who receive special services by age 4. EMC-2. Increase the proportion of children whose parents read to them > 4days/week.


This project represents a collaborative partnership between RI's DBP Program, UCEDD, DOH, The Autism Project, other community partners and with families.


Each proposed objective is observable, measureable, and attainable within the stated timeframe. The primary strategies for measuring progress toward the project's goals are written and reviewed formative and summative evaluation by faculty, trainees and stakeholders, products developed and disseminated, performance measures in NIRS and review of our logic model.