Partners in Excellence for Leadership in MCH Nutrition

Project Profile

MCHB Program: MCH Nutrition Training Program
Institution: University of California, Los Angeles
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Region: 9
Project Director:

Dena Herman
Phone: 310-825-8196



CA is one of the largest, most culturally diverse states in the US and all public health (PH) issues targeted by HP 2030 are magnified here. With almost twice the proportion of immigrants than any other state, the number of vulnerable women/children from racial and ethnic minority groups has increased disproportionately in the West, resulting in increased need for PH nutr. services. In these 13 states there are few institutions that offer PH graduate and doctoral training; it is important that UCLA and its Partners (CSU, OHSU, UHM, UW), continue to serve as a Regional Resource.

Goals and objectives:

Our 2 major goals are: 1) Graduate education: Prepare nutr. graduates and professionals from other MCH disciplines for leadership roles in nutr. educ., service, research, admin. and advocacy for the MCH popn; 2) Methodology, Continuing Education (CE): Serve as a Western Regional and National Resource for Title V, state and tribal programs, provide consultation, CE and technical assistance (TA) to meet needs of MCH nutr. professionals. Obj.s for goal 1: 1) Support 5 MCH nutr. trainees/y from diverse backgrounds, who are/will be, RDs for 2 y. of their graduate training (MS; MPH; ; PhD). 2) Recruit at least 40% of supported trainees from underrepresented groups so nutr. professionals reflect the rich diversity of the West's population. 3) Target other PH students as future nutr. advocates. Obj.s for goal 2: 1) Promote leadership among Title V/other PH nutritionists by enhancing the 13-state Western MCH Nutrition Leadership Network. 2) Collaborate with other MCH Training Programs in the West by sharing resources/leveraging strengths in 2/y graduate educ., CE or research activities, using distance learning Activities: Recruit a student at each inst. for up to 2 y of support (min. 20 total) - preference given to doctoral degrees. Recruit applicants who represent racial/ethnic diversity. Incl. training in leadership and cultural competence. Build on unique strengths of ea. program to enrich courses, CE, collaborative research activities. Focus CE activities on identified needs/emerging issues: obesity, food security, lifecourse, maternal mental health, etc. Provide an annual training forum for current NLN members, ongoing CE/TA; periodic webinars; develop and disseminate educ. resources. HP2030 Objectives: Maternal, Inf. and Child Health; PH Nutrition; Obesity; Adol. Health; Food Security; Breastfeeding; Physical Activity; SDOH.


Each Partner has relationships with State Title V through field placements, consultation, TA/other activities. The NLN provides coordination with State agencies in the other 8 western states. Bimonthly conference calls incl. all 5 inst.s allow planning and coordination; periodic conference calls/mtgs with other cohort grantees continue.


Track process/outcomes for MCH and Nutrition Performance Measures. Outcomes: Graduates with nutr. leadership roles; graduates remaining in MCH field.