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Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program

The Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) supports innovative, community-based initiatives to improve the health status of infants, children, adolescents and families in rural and other underserved communities by increasing their access to preventive care and services. 

HTPCP projects must represent a new initiative within the community or an innovative component that builds on existing community resources.


Access awards information on our MCHB Workforce Awards Charts webpage.

Our reach

Since 1989, HTPCP has provided approximately 82 million dollars to 335 projects in 48 states, and Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and Guam.

How this program works

What does the data tell us about Healthy Tomorrows? This infographic holds the answers.

The Healthy Tomorrows Program, in cooperation with Altarum Institute, has created an infographic to highlight investments in the program since 1989, and demonstrate the impact, reach, and sustainability of projects after federal funding ends. The data shows that grantees have been highly successful in leveraging federal dollars to secure additional funding. Part of their success can be attributed to outcomes documented in project evaluations, sustainability planning in the first year of funding, and strong organizational and community support. The diversity of funding sources for Healthy Tomorrows grantees reflects an interest in funding community-based programs in both the public and private sector. This infographic was made possible with support from the Health Resources and Services Administration.

Healthy Tomorrows data placemats

The Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) is a public-private partnership between the MCHB and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

HTPCP asks prior grantees in its one-year follow-up survey about many topics, including innovations used in their projects and the formation of partnerships. Innovations were described by respondents as new service delivery models or practices, patient education materials or strategies, new tools, professional training, or new partnerships and collaborations. On partnerships, grantees identified shared goals and values as critical for successful partnerships. Partnerships are sustained by mutual need and support and by the shared experience of impact in the community.

Healthy Tomorrows supports innovative community-based interventions in maternal and child health that improve access to care.

Case studies and economic analyses tip sheets

In addition to the resources available on this page, HTPCP has created case studies to highlight the ongoing impact of the program in vulnerable and underserved communities and a series of economic analyses tip sheets that provide HTPCP grantees and other community-based MCH programs the tools to conduct economic analyses of their program interventions.  The case studies and tip sheets can be found at the AAP HTPCP web page.  

When should I start thinking about the sustainability of my project? Where do I start?

If you have questions like this, Healthy Tomorrows can help! The Healthy Tomorrows Program, in cooperation with X Factor Consulting, LLC, has released a series of tip sheets to support community-based programs in planning for sustainability in their organizations. Thinking about a sustainability plan in your first year of funding can improve your chances of sustaining your project after grant funding ends. More and more, potential funders want to know how you will leverage their support and continue your project after the end of a grant. These sustainability tip sheets were made possible with support from the Health Resources and Services Administration.

Guides: evaluating your community-based program

This is a two-part guide to program evaluation for pediatricians and others implementing community-based health initiatives.

Part I: Designing Your Evaluation

Workbook: (PDF)   This guide, in workbook format, reviews strategies for setting measurable objectives, identifying realistic outcomes, and developing logic models for health initiatives.

Recording:  This audio presentation guides Healthy Tomorrows grantees and others implementing community-based health initiatives through logic model development and evaluation planning. The recording provides two logic model examples to illustrate the concepts. (Duration: 10 minutes)

Part II: Putting Your Evaluation Plan to Work

Workbook: (PDF)   The follow up publication to Part I. This guide takes the evaluation plan from the planning to the implementation stage and will assist in how to measure, collect, analyze, and present data meaningfully.

Recording 1:  Part 1 of this recording will focus on effective documentation to evaluate your program. (Duration: 25 minutes)

Recording 2:  Part 2 of this recording will focus on analyzing your information simply and meaningfully. (Duration: 18 minutes)

How to apply for a grant

Healthy Tomorrows is a federal grant, administered through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Applications are accepted through during specified grant cycles. This grant opportunity is now closed. If you are planning to apply for the next grant cycle, please register with This is a requirement for applicants of all HRSA grants.

Applicant assistance

Developing a successful Healthy Tomorrows grant proposal requires time and planning. The Proposal Development Guide  will assist you in planning for your Healthy Tomorrows project and help you consider the various components of the application including community assessment, establishing community partnerships, developing an evaluation plan, and putting together a budget.

Additional grant technical assistance resources can be found on the HRSA Apply For A Grant webpage, designed to assist potential applicants in producing successful grant applications.

Grantees are selected

Grant recipients are selected by official Maternal and Child Health Bureau grant reviewers from a variety of geographic areas and backgrounds including pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, nursing, health policy, educational psychology, social work, and public health. Applications are evaluated and scored using published evaluation criteria. Unfunded applicants will receive a summary of the application's strengths and weaknesses.

For Additional Guidance and Resources, visit the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program section of the AAP website

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