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Supporting Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Screening and Intervention

The Supporting FASD Screening and Intervention program aims to reduce alcohol use during pregnancy and improve outcomes for children with FASD all over the country.


In 2024, we awarded one cooperative agreement for $950,000 to Boston Medical Center Corporation. This annual award continues for five years through 2029.

In 2020, we awarded one cooperative agreement to Boston Medical Center for $1 million. This annual award will be completed August 31, 2024.

Our reach

This program focuses on communities with high rates of binge drinking during pregnancy. This includes rural areas and medically underserved communities.

How this FASD screening and intervention program works

The program aims to build the knowledge and practices of primary care providers (PCPs) so they can deliver better screenings, treatments, and referrals for their patients. The program works to improve the health of the mothers and children in the communities they serve.

The awardee will work with at least 80 health care practices. The awardee will provide:

Education and training

  • Educate PCPs on the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy
  • Train PCPs on recommended screenings, treatments, and how to refer pregnant women who have greater health risks
  • Instruct PCPs how to screen children for prenatal alcohol exposure

Skill development

  • Help PCPs identify and manage FASD in children and adolescents
  • Improve how PCPs communicate with families

By the end of the funding period, the grantee should achieve the following:

  • At least 90% of PCP participants will understand:
    • The hazards of drinking during pregnancy
    • How to screen for alcohol use and prenatal alcohol exposure among children and adolescents suspected of FASD
  • At least 75% of PCP participants have applied the knowledge and used recommended screening, treatment, and referral services.

More information

Behavioral health

To learn more about our approach and investments in behavioral health, read our Mental and Behavioral Health webpage.


For more detail on this grant, access the closed Notice of Funding Opportunity (HRSA-24-046).

News & events

  • Read the August HRSA press release which includes news of this funding.
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Need more information, or have a specific question? Contact CAPT Sonsy Fermin at

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