  1. MCH Workforce Development
  2. Funded Projects

Funded Projects

Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Training Program

Grant Status: Completed

Training Category: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Program

Project Director(s):

Hoover Adger, MPH, MD
Program Director
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
200 N. Wolfe Street 2061
Baltimore, MD  21287
Phone: 443-287-8942
FAX: 410-502-5440


Youth of color and youth residing in economically disadvantaged communities are at greatest risk for many of the common morbidities of adolescents. There is a need for diverse leaders in the field trained in interdisciplinary approaches to address adolescent health disparities.

Goals and Objectives:

Goals are to: 1) increase the number of professionals in nursing, social work, medicine, psychology, and nutrition who have mastered core competencies in adolescent health and leadership; 2) increase the racial/ethnic diversity and cultural competency of the scientists, clinicians, educators and policy makers focused on reducing adolescent health disparities; 3) develop new interdisciplinary approaches to reducing morbidity and mortality among disadvantaged youth; and 4) improve public health professionals' capacity in Region III to deliver evidence-based, youth development programs. Key Objectives include: 1) 5 long-term trainees each in medicine, nursing and social work and 3 long-term trainees each in psychology and nutrition will complete training by the end of Year 5; and 2) 50% of physician and 40% of non-MD trainees will be from disadvantaged a background or under-represented racial/ethnic group.


We organize our curriculum into 4 areas of emphasis: 1) Leadership, 2) Adolescent base knowledge and context, 3) Research, and 4) Public health. The program prepares graduates to assume leadership roles in developing, improving, and integrating systems of care in programs and providing adolescent services that integrate adolescentcentered/ family-involved care, life course and interdisciplinary team approaches.


The program will maintain collaboration with MCHB, state and local MCH agencies in PHS Region III, other MCH training programs, and local/regional community- and clinic-based adolescent health programs.


Trainees' progress towards accomplishment of each core objective will be evaluated using individualized learning agreements, self-evaluation, 360 degree evaluations, faculty feedback, and grades. Feedback will be completed semi-annually. The program will be evaluated by the trainees and by assessment of achievement of goals and objectives. Program evaluation reports will be reviewed by the core faculty semiannually, summarized, and then reviewed by the External Advisory Board annually.