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  2. Connecting Systems of Care to Improve Adolescent Health

Connecting Systems of Care to Improve Adolescent Health

We created the Comprehensive Systems Integration for Adolescent and Young Adult Health (CSI-AYAH) program. It will make it easier for states, territories, and tribal groups to create systems of care. This will benefit adolescents and young adults.

What are these systems of care?

They include healthi , schoolii , and community systemsiii .

Who will you help by combining these systems?

We’ll help adolescent (age 10-19) and young adult (19-25) health and well-being.

Why is the CSI-AYAH program necessary?

There are significant gaps when promoting youth health and well-being. We need to solve these issues.

How do you solve the problem?

It’s best if the systems—health care, school, and communities—work together. Leaders have been trying to do this, but it’s been a challenge. Each state, territory, and tribal community works in its own way.

Is this a new idea?

No. Medical and public health groups have recommended this approach for decadesiv , v , vi , vii . The pandemic made us realize this even more.

Will this solve the problem?

Investing in youth will result in improved sense of well-being and academic gains. It’ll also benefit the next generation.

Who will do the work?

We fund the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to achieve the goals of the program. Every year, we’ll give them $1,514,450 through a five-year cooperative agreement.

Read the closed Notice of Funding Opportunity (HRSA-23-079).

How will the AAP use your funds?

The AAP will:

  • Connect well-known U.S. partners from different sectors to lead the effort
  • Help partners develop and distribute a national blueprint
  • Provide technical assistance (TA) to leadership teams who use systems integration models
  • Deliver TA to Title V agencies with performance measures related to adolescent or behavioral health
  • Get more groups to use systems integration models to improve youth health and well-being
  • iHealth broadly includes public health, professional health organizations, and health insurers.
  • iiEducation broadly includes education professional associations and organizations.
  • iiiCommunity broadly includes community-based youth development programs and organizations.
  • ivCOUNCIL ON COMMUNITY PEDIATRICS, Peter A. Gorski, Alice A. Kuo, Deise C. Granado-Villar, Benjamin A. Gitterman, Jeffrey M. Brown, Lance A. Chilton, William H. Cotton, Thresia B. Gambon, Peter.
  • vAdolescent Wellness: Current Perspectives and Future Opportunities in Research, Policy, and Practice (2018)
  • viJutte DP, Badruzzaman RA, Thomas-Squance R. Neighborhood poverty and child health: Investing in communities to improve childhood opportunity and well-being. Academic Pediatrics. 2021 Nov 1;21(8):S184-93.
  • viiNational Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2019. The Promise of Adolescence: Realizing Opportunity for All Youth. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

What are the program's goals?

How else do you help adolescents and young adults?

Read about our approach and other programs we fund to improve child and adolescent health.

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