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Funded Projects

Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Research Network

Grantee: Johns Hopkins University
Principal Investigator: Anne K. Duggan
Project Number: UD5MC24070
Project Date: 7/1/2012

Age group(s)

  • Women/Maternal
  • Prenatal
  • Perinatal/Infancy (0-12 months)
  • Toddlerhood (13-35 months)
  • Early Childhood (3-5 years)


Prenatal and early life experiences set the stage for health and development across the life span. The literature documents early home visiting's potential to improve family functioning, parenting, and child health and development. Based on this, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) substantially increases US investment in home visiting. But the literature also reveals that impacts are often modest or limited to population subgroups, and that fidelity is often poor when taking evidence-based models to scale. For home visiting to achieve its potential, we need a coordinated, focused and theory-based research infrastructure to inform policy and practice.

Goals and Objectives:

The over-arching goal is to establish a solid home visiting research network (HVRN) infrastructure with active participation of a) nationally recognized home visiting researchers and research educators; and b) the stakeholder groups who use such research in policy and program decision-making. Toward this goal, we will achieve 5 objectives: 1. Develop and disseminate a national research agenda to strengthen home visiting; 2. Advance the development and use of innovative methods to carry out this agenda; 3. Develop and promote the use of approaches to data sharing to carry out this agenda; 4. Disseminate research findings to advance their translation into policy and practice; and 5. Support the professional development of emerging home visiting researchers.


To achieve the first objective, we will adapt an iterative approach used by the Institute of Medicine and others to elicit stakeholder input, establish and refine priorities, and promote stakeholders' use of the resulting agenda. To achieve the next three objectives, we will conduct systematic reviews, consult with experts, develop and support a productive practicebased research network (PBRN), and work with partnering associations, professional groups, and peer-reviewed journals to disseminate and translate PBRN and other rigorous home visiting research. To achieve the last objective, we will develop a distance-learning course, adapt and test a program based on the NIH Summer Research Institutes, and create a mentoring program.


We will coordinate all HVRN activities with those of MIECHV. The Steering Committee of national leaders representing stakeholder groups will oversee planning and progress. Its Executive Committee will direct and carry out activities to achieve objectives through Work Teams. The Coordinating Center will support Work Teams and the PBRN.


We will use explicit criteria to evaluate adherence to the timeline and achievement of objectives, for example, as measured by publication of the national research agenda, briefs and PBRN research, and by stakeholder familiarity with and use of these products.


This project will create a solid, inter-disciplinary infrastructure for a rigorous program of research to inform policy and program decision-making in strengthening the role of home visiting in improving family functioning, parenting, and child health and development. It will do this by achieving consensus on a home visiting research agenda; advancing innovative research methods and data sharing; translating research findings into policy and practice; and developing the next generation of home visiting researchers.


Listed is descending order by year published.

Belknap A, O’Neill K, Paradis H, Minkovitz C. Coordination between home visiting programs and medical homes. 2015.

Ross, A., Belknap, A., O’Neill, K., Landsverk, J. Home Visiting Program Readiness to Serve Military Families with Very Young Children. 2015.

Minkovitz CS, O'Neill KM, Duggan AK. Home visiting narrative: rewrite is in progress. JAMA Pediatr. 2014 Jun;168(6):584-5.

Duggan A, Minkovitz CS, Chaffin M, Korfmacher J, Brooks-Gunn J, Crowne S, Filene J, Gonsalves K, Landsverk J, Harwood R. Creating a national home visiting research network. Pediatrics. 2013 Nov;132 Suppl 2:S82-9.

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