Tulane Center of Excellence in MCH (CEMCH)

Project Profile

MCHB Program: Centers of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education Science and Practice
Institution: Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Location: New Orleans, LA
Region: 6
Project Director:

Alessandra Bazzano, PhD, MPH
Phone: 504-988-2338
Email: abazzano@tulane.edu


Goals and objectives:

Needs to be addressed:

The Tulane CEMCH has existed for 15 years, with the purpose to expand and strengthen the maternal and child health (MCH) workforce in the state of Louisiana (LA) and beyond for the purpose of improving the health status of women, infants, children, youth and families in LA and the U.S. Through the MCH-EPID Doctoral Supplement, we propose to strengthen the epidemiologic capacity and local sustainability for assessment, planning, and delivery of health services to the local and statewide MCH population.


  1. Continue to implement a strong and up-to-date MCH-focused academic program for student preparation into the MCH workforce consistent with MCH national and program competencies by providing didactic and experiential public health (PH) MCH training that leads to a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree, including (A) provide a comprehensive 45-credit MCH curriculum that addresses a broad PH perspective, including, but not limited to, life course theory, Title V and related programs, cultural competence and emerging health issues; (B) advance and refine our master's and doctoral programs incorporating the MCH program competencies and PH workforce challenges; (C) have MCH scholars present to PH undergraduate classes; and (D) provide support for p trainees to attend at least one national meeting related to MCH.
  2. Continue to develop and provide innovative leadership training and professional and career development for all MCH trainees and particularly for our scholars, including (A) a monthly schedule of mentoring, coaching and self-reflection practice with each of our scholars; (B) readings and discussion groups for scholars; (C) lunchtime seminars related to professional skill-building, career options, and communication techniques; (D) collaboration with Southeast Regional Scholar Collaborative for planning, networking and enhanced professional development of scholars; and additional leadership activities with HRSA-funded partners, such as LSU LEND and the TU MCH-Nutrition leadership training programs, as well as the Region 6 South Central Training Program.
  3. Offer opportunities for MCH student exposure to MCH community organizations and to research projects that focus on translation of research to practice, with a strong emphasis on evaluation and accountability.
  4. Strengthen and create mutually beneficial partnerships with MCH-related community organizations and MCH governmental agencies.
  5. Through the MCH-EPID doctoral supplement, foster the enhancement of the functional and research capacity of local and state agencies in MCH epidemiology.

Population groups to be served:

Training of the MCH public health workforce for the benefit of women, infants, children, youth and families in LA and the U.S