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Mental and Behavioral Health

Behavioral health is an umbrella term that includes mental health and well-being. Examples of behavioral health conditions include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Substance use disorder

Behavioral health conditions can affect us across our lives. The challenges are common. For example:

Read the story of Nicole and her Journey Through Postpartum Depression to learn about the importance of seeking help and breaking down the stigma surrounding maternal mental health.

Our approach to mental and behavioral health

The more we can train our Maternal and Child Health (MCH) workforce to screen, intervene, treat, and provide referrals for our MCH populations, the more we improve their health and well-being.

With our committed partners we are:

Improving access to quality services

  • Linking women and families to treatment and supports through screening and referral, direct service, and telehealth to prevent and treat behavioral health disorders

Optimizing health for all

  • Providing patient-centered, culturally and linguistically appropriate, community-based services
  • Eliminating gaps in health by addressing the broader forces and systems that shape daily life conditions

Strengthening the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) workforce

  • Training the MCH workforce to integrate culturally and linguistically appropriate care and trauma-informed best practices

Maximizing impact through leadership, partnership, and stewardship

  • Promoting mental, emotional, and behavioral health and healthy development in infants, children, and youth through education, consultation, outreach, and policy innovation

Our investments

At the provider level

Direct services

Clinical guidelines

At the workforce training level

At the systems level

At the patient and family level

At the policy and innovation level

Gathering data and tracking progress

Nationally, we track improvements in behavioral health, including measures specific to postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression through:

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