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Maternal Health

We take a life course to supporting women's health. We support women and mothers before, during, and after pregnancy—and beyond.

Challenges in maternal health

Pregnancy-related problems are serious issues in the United States. These problems affect different groups of people in different ways.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in the United States:

  • Pregnancy-related mortality has not improved over the past decade.
  • Four out of five pregnancy-related deaths are considered preventable.
  • More than 25,000 women experience unintended outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short- or long-term health consequences.

How we support these women

We focus on:

How we ensure women get the help they need

We fund national, state, and community organizations, and academic institutions. Some examples are:

Learn about our priorities

Improving access to services


  • Gather data to track and improve health outcomes
  • Connect people to the right services at the right time
  • Offer programs that support healthy living for moms, dads, and caregivers
  • Create national recommendations for preventive health care, like prenatal and postpartum care
  • Establish maternal health task forces to support the needs in their states

Promoting opportunities for optimal health


  • Collect data to measure where the gaps are so that we get help to those who need it
  • Focus on locations where maternal mortality rates are higher than the national average
  • Provide services that meet people's needs

Strengthening the maternal and child health workforce

We train the health workforce to: 

  • Find and treat early warning signs of emergencies related to childbirth
  • Identify the early signs of physical and behavioral health problems, and promote healthy lifestyles
  • Screen for intimate partner violence

Gathering data and tracking progress

We gather program data through: 

Our investments in maternal health


Regional and state levels



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